Gala Bingo Waltham Cross

Please Note:

Gala Bingo Waltham Cross has now closed down. This page will be left for historical purposes.


Gala Waltham Cross which had stood on the High Street and which was housed in an old cinema is sadly no more. Since its opening in 1993, it had enjoyed much success as a bingo hall but it closed down recently following dwindling customer numbers.

The club had everything that other Gala clubs have other then visitors and even the on-site bar, diner and arcade zone was not enough to entice people back. The gambling scene has boomed over the last 2 years but with 5% of bingo halls in the UK closing in the last 12 months it is a trend that may mean many other local halls such as this one have the same fate.

It is unclear what the future holds for this site at present but it looks like it could be used as a Matalan or Primark retail store if the local councillors have their way.

One thing is clear though, this wonderful venue that has such a rich history can’t just stay there dormant and will hopefully be brought back to life under some other guise. RIP Gala Bingo Waltham Cross.


Nearby Bingo Halls

The following bingo clubs are located near Gala Waltham Cross: